On 7.10.2020 The annual conference of our Hungarian partners – Salva Vita Foundation, was held on the development of the project “LIKE – INVESTMENT IN LIFE IS THE KEY TO EMPLOYMENT”. The event was held online in order to comply with anti-epidemic safety measures and the audience was joined by 1,674 participants.

The topics were related to the development and opportunities of young NEETs in Hungary, in the age group between 18 and 29 years, and were analyzed from 8 different perspectives:

  1. Introduction to the LIKE project and presentation of the data and results of the survey;
  2. Volunteer program for NEET young people from the Hungarian Red Cross;
  3. Drug rehabilitation and therapeutic employment in drug rehabilitation;
  4. Experience of a social art project for disadvantaged young people;
  5. The point of view of the employer;
  6. Mentoring program for young people of Roma origin;
  7. Young people in the labor market, general Hungarian and European analysis, statistics;
  8. Development of key skills and competencies, methodology for successful employment.