“One thing is to want it, second, to be able to do it, third and fourth, to actually do it”. – The famous quote by the Bulgarian author Nikolay Haytov is the inspiration behind today’s article. The bad habits are a big part of our life, they sleep in our beds, sit at the dinner table, go out with our friends and us, come to the workplace and never leave us alone. They are like an old friend who has over welcomed his stay in our everyday life, but we simply do not have the power to say goodbye because of the routine we have developed throughout the years and the comfort of the “easy” choice.
On the other hand, you see a new intriguing and impressive person, dressed in ambition, neatly combed hair, and a blindingly white smile, and you tell yourself “Yes! That’s what I want. But how difficult would it be for me to get his attention?! He’s better and smarter than me. I’ll just stick to what I have.”
To go to bed on time, to read 20 pages of a book, to clear your brain from anxiety and bad thoughts so you can wake fresh in the morning, well rested and ready for the day seem very appealing ideas. Unfortunately for many of us the execution of it is nearly impossible.
It is much easier to lay on the couch, surfing through the web filling up our minds with useless but funny information until we simply tire out and fall asleep (often in very uncomfortable clothes, with thoughts full of stress and anxiety” and in the morning the getting out of bad seems like our worst enemy.
Fortunately, we can use some “loopholes” to get rid of the bad and create new good habits.
To begin with, we need to know that to build a new habit it takes 21 days of discipline and self-control to perform it daily, and it takes 3 months to solidify it as stable.