The “Hidden Likes” House which is created under the Project LIKE helps young people to find their own career pathway when they feel confused and unsure. It is based on the vision that each generation has to choose its own path in their own way.

Our proposed methods for integrating young people who neither study nor work into the labor market imply a series of actions that encourage them to choose their path – work, study or internship, volunteering, apprenticeship or possibly – continuing education.

These methods and actions, together with specific tools and approaches for identification, activation and motivation are presented as an ALGORITHM – a series of 7 consecutive and logically related steps. The seven-step methodology is proactive and specific to the individual, based on the coaching approach/mentoring and allows young people who neither study nor work to exercise their right to work. The methodology leads to a reasoned choice of the respective path – a choice consistent with the profile of the group to which a particular youth belongs, as well as with their individual interests, preferences and desires for future development. “Lead while following”, coaching, is the essence of the relationship through all stages of identification, activation and motivation, on which the proposed Seven-Step Methodology implemented by the partners of Project LIKE is based:


  1. IDENTIFICATION – Individual assessment of the needs and risk factors for acquiring the status of NEETs on a case-by-case basis.

The multidimensional system that is being applied in the created Youth House “Hidden Likes” is a person-oriented system. Its design is focused on the individual needs of young people, through their participation in interesting and desirable activities, in order to acquire a wide range of social and practical skills that will integrate them socially and subsequently help their inclusion in the labor market.

  1. PROFILING – Defining affiliation to a specific subgroup of NEETs.

The preparation of an individual profile of each young person makes it possible to determine their affiliation to a particular subgroup of NEETs – a prerequisite for choosing tools and for a job offer, training and internship, apprenticeship or continuing education provided in the Youth Guarantee. The individual profile is based on data on the health and educational status, family environment, professional qualification, professional experience, skills and competencies of each young person. The recommendation is to approach them individually, first through training and then – work, providing a supportive environment

  1. ORIENTATION – Determining the desires and preferences for future development.

This is a kind of personal “screening” – an assessment of the interests, preferences, attitudes, desires regarding the future of each identified young person. This “screening” aims to complement the characteristics of the individual profile and to justify the choice of a specific support and proposal measure.

  1. ENGAGEMENT – Activation of young people from the group NEETs.

The quality proposal for young people aged 15 to 18 is linked above all to continuing education and inclusion in continuing education. Older young people from the NEETs group could be also involved in skills training and inclusion in subsequent employment. The young people from the group 19-24 years are related to employers ‘and employees’ organizations and NGOs, for internships, in-house training, on-the-job training, volunteering. They, as well as the young people from the group 25-29 years can be consulted by institutions and organizations offering courses for acquiring skills in the labor market, for acquiring computer literacy, developing soft skills and involvement in volunteer initiatives.

  1. PLANNING – Negotiating pathways for the activation of NEETs together with institutions and organizations with which cooperation can be established.

Opportunities for volunteering and internship are a good first step towards employment and activity on the labor market. Integration and independence are two vital principles for achieving these goals. People with mental health problems need to feel an important part of the community, but at the same time, be motivated to develop as individuals. That is why mentors, volunteers and professionals are being involved in creating the necessary motivation, psychological base, social commitment and activity of the target group.

  1. MOBILIZATION of partner institutions and organizations.

This method of attracting and mobilizing stakeholders aims to identify partners – institutions and organizations with which to plan and implement joint actions and initiatives for young people from the NEETs group. Links with employers, labor and youth mediators are recommended here.

  1. REALISATION – Specific job offer, continuing education, apprenticeship or internship.

After starting a job, support from the mentors at the beginning is needed to ensure sustainable employment and realization. The support is expressed in helping to resolve internal and external conflicts related to the opportunities for educational, professional and personal realization.

In this way, the proposed seven step methodology for integration of young NEETs on the labor market: IDENTIFICATION – PROFILING – ORIENTATION – ENGAGEMENT – PLANNING – MOBILIZATION – REALISATION reveals their potential, forms basic competencies, personal and professional skills.

It “opens” the youth to possibilities for work, income and education, improves their accessibility to social and community networks and activities, empowers them through mobilization of their own potential and creates a safe supporting environment – family and employers. Through this methodology, NEETs can take control over the decisions that influence their lives.

The article can be also found in the Youth Employment Magazine