On 9th of September, Salva Vita Foundation, Hungarian partner in the Project LIKE-Life Investment is the Key to Employment, organized a job fair.

Both NEET young people with reduced working capacity and the project team: project manager and professional leader – took part in the event.

The participated employers were:

  • Amrest Kft.
  • Auchan Magyarország Kft.
  • HÁDA-1 Kft.
  • Magyar Posta Zrt.
  • METRO Kereskedelmi Kft.
  • Praktiker Kft.
  • Provident Pénzügyi Zrt.
  • TESCO Globál Áruházak Zrt.

In the first half of the program, employers presented the profile of the company they were representing and the range of job opportunities available. This was done in a short presentation.

In the second half of the program, the employers representatives had the opportunity to get to know the interested people in person: jobseekers could ask questions to the employers in the form of an informal conversation.


The event also served the purpose of promoting the “Hidden Likes” Youth House, under the project LIKE, and the activities it offers.