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So far projectlike has created 247 blog entries.

Supporting parents of children and adolescents facing mental health challenges

Another seminar for providing support and guidance to parents of [...]

By |August 3rd, 2023|Без категория|Comments Off on Supporting parents of children and adolescents facing mental health challenges

Working with clients in psychological practice – conclusions and insights from a seminar with Yuri Katsarov

In a world that is becoming increasingly complex and demanding, [...]

By |July 31st, 2023|Без категория|Comments Off on Working with clients in psychological practice – conclusions and insights from a seminar with Yuri Katsarov

The power of personal boundaries and the art of saying “No” in the workplace

Demanding world, it is crucial to maintain your personal boundaries, [...]

By |July 31st, 2023|Без категория|Comments Off on The power of personal boundaries and the art of saying “No” in the workplace
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